It’s a Good Time to Sell a Home. Right?

Home on board game

Have you ever heard the saying you can get too much of a good thing? Well, if you want to sell a home in the current Salt Lake Real Estate market, then this may well be true.

I have never seen such a strong seller’s market, with buyers lining up to make offers way above list price. This may sound great if you are a seller, but there is a catch. If you are looking to sell and then buy a home you may find it as difficult as everyone else in this market.

If you are in this situation then there are some things you can do to make life easier. For a start you need an exit plan, can you move in with family or rent for a while? If so this can ease the pressure.

The other option is to sell your home on the condition of a rent back. This is where you agree with the buyer that instead of immediately moving out after the sale, you stay put and rent back your property (which by this time will be the buyer’s) for a few months.

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