When buying real estate, one of the best things to do is to secure advance mortgage approval. By taking the time to do this before your start searching, you know exactly what you can spend. That also gives you time to decide what monthly budget amount will be comfortable with the type of lifestyle you envision.
Entering the offer and contract process is a lot less stressful when you are not anxiously waiting for mortgage approval. You and the seller can both comfortably move forward with the finalizing details such as a home inspection, insurance options and planning your moves without worrying the deal will fall through.
If you are buying an investment property or second home, there may be different lender restrictions for those types of properties which may affect your budget. Working with an experienced mortgage broker who knows the products well can provide overall guidance so you understand the different requirements before you buy. Laws and products may vary from state to state, and a professional mortgage broker will guide you through the differences.
Every home purchase is unique, because at the core are the people buying the home. Whether you are a first time home buyer or have “been there, done that” before, you make an emotional investment made when you shop for a new home.
It is far better to have time to adjust your expectations to the market than to fall in love with a place hopelessly out of your means. Or perhaps you can afford some luxuries you hadn’t anticipated that will make a big difference in lifestyle or location.
• help better identify preferred locations
• understand your options for your price range
• select a realtor who knows the area well
• make you a more confident buyer
• have peace of mind once you find the perfect place
• gives you an edge with the seller, especially if the home may get multiple offers
• potentially accelerate the closing date
Working with a professional mortgage broker will give you an edge in the real estate market, regardless of its current conditions. He will guide you through the process and help you understand your options for the type of purchase you want to make, combined with your income and credit history.
Take this step and call The Libin Group today at 801.639.9000 or go to utahloanplan.com to get your mortgage approval underway.
Article provided by The Libin Group.